5 Hobbies to Pick Up while Staying In - Simpleaf Brands

5 Hobbies to Pick Up while Staying In

While we might be staying in more than we expected, it’s not too late to start picking up a new hobby, especially now that summer is finally in full swing! So the Simpleaf team put our brains together to pass on five ideas to make staying safe fun for everyone!


Have a new puppy? Or want to finally teach your dog all the tricks so you can wow your friends when quarantine ends? With all the time in the world these days, your dog can be flipping and rolling and shaking all day long so on top of treats, your pet is going to need some help cooling off! I know what you're thinking, are wet wipes safe for pets? Have no fear, we answered that question in the video below. So after your daily training session, make sure to have plenty of wipes to clean and treats to reward your four legged friend! https://youtu.be/Wby9GwbfuDk


The sun is out and there’s no better time to start building your herb garden or adding in some perennials to decorate your front yard. While there are plenty of online resources to learn about how to properly tend to your garden, one thing that every gardener needs to be successful is a little elbow grease. Gardening in the summer is no easy task physically or mentally. We encourage you to keep some of our XL body wipes handy and stay patient as you begin your new journey as a plant parent!


Have you ever wanted that perfect smoky eye? Or that Kim Kardashian contour? Now is the time that you can play with your makeup ALL. DAY. LONG! Through Youtube, Instagram and TikTok you can find hundreds of make up gurus who can help you take your skills to the next level but good make up relies on good skincare. That means consistently and thoroughly removing all of your make up, a drag I know, but that's where we come in! You can use Simpleaf's lavender wipes to thoroughly remove makeup and trust that our all natural, paraben free products made for sensitive skin put your skin's health first.


Some of us have taken the opposite approach here...going from working out daily to puzzling daily instead..oops! While it was fun at first, we were reminded that working out isn't just for a summer body, it's for our mental and physical health. Now, our answer to the stay at home, work from home, socialize from home cabin fever: a little socially-distanced sweat! From taking bike rides in your local park, taking online High Intensity Interval Training, or youtubing some Bikram Yoga, there are more ways than ever to break a sweat from home. If you find that you're having to fit your workouts between work and don't have time for a shower, that's where Simpleaf's XL Body Shower Wipes come in. With their intense 12 inch by 12 inch cleaning power and fresh eucalyptus scent, you can wipe the physical and mental stress right off!


From talking a walk, going on a run, or hiking, fresh air is so important right now for our mental health. Spending time outdoors used to look like large gatherings of friends and family on a patio on the weekends but now, we can do that in a different way, which is kind of cool! We can picnic in a park or head to nice and hidden scenic area with housemates to get away from the city. Staying in made us realize how many nature-centered options there are, and as long as you remember your pocket sized Simpleaf wipes, to clean off dirt or sweat, this is a great way to safely enjoy all nature has to offer! Wet wipes are great products with a variety of uses, from the bathroom to the great outdoors. Comment which hobbies you plan on mastering. Is it different from what we suggested? Let us know below!"
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